Social Emotional and Spiritual Learning Platform for Kids | Spiritual Playdate

Date : 2025-01-29 Spiritual Playdate for the Bahai Community Date : 2025-02-05 Spiritual Playdate for the Montessori Community Date : 2025-02-12 Making Respect Cool Again!


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if you are an existing user, please make sure that you have entered the correct username (email) and password. If you are a new user and just joined us, make sure that you have received an account activation email. The email was sent from and looks like this:

Depending on your email provider and your local settings, the activation email can land in the spam folder and, unfortunately, we can’t control it. Kindly check your spam folder first; Gmail users also encouraged to check their automatically classified folders:

This article can help you to learn the best ways to control your Gmail folders.

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Making Respect Cool Again! #respectchallenge
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